Sunday, July 18

Three in One

So to make up for my lengthy absence from blogger, I am posting three in one night.

Getting back into work has been nice in some ways. I was quite honestly terrified that after being gone for 3 weeks, I might not remember how to stick people. Praise God that turned out not to be the case. Anyway, I've had some really odd, random things happen at work recently, so I thought I'd share. For amusement's sake.

Many of the patients I see are fairly friendly people. The other night topped all though. I had just finished fixing a patient's IV so that I didn't have to stick her again (she had just been stuck a few hours ago). As I was getting ready to walk out the door, one of her family members called me back and started thanking me, and before I knew it had engulfed me in a hug. I stood slightly in shock, and when she let go, she fixed the tag on my scrub shirt. It was a nice gesture for her to thank me in such a way, but I'm afraid I'm not much for hugging complete strangers. The audacity of some people never ceases to amaze me.

Another night, I was walking down the hallway back from the ER or admissions unit when a man asked me how I was doing. "Oh, I'm good," I replied with a smile. "How are you doing?" He paused for a moment to consider my question, then, "I'm tall, dark, and handsome," was his completely serious reply. "Oh...." I stammered, and not knowing what to say in response, I continued on my way. The really funny thing is that he was really only about an inch taller than myself.

The final odd occurrence happened tonight. I was sitting in the office, and the phone rang. "IV office, this is Kristin," I answered. "Is this the morgue?" a voice asked in confusion. "Ummm, no..." She then asked, "Well what is it then?" So I told her again that it was the IV team office at the hospital. She then abruptly hung up, apparently displeased.

Who knows what adventures await me next week...


EEK said...

You have made me to giggle in an empty room...I think my favorite is the tall, dark, and handsome ! Thank you Kristin, friend :)

Anonymous said...

"You're pretty. Can I sit on your lap?" lol Kristin, I think you handle those situations a lot better than I do ;)

Christen said...

LOL. My friend Sarah and I needed something to laugh about. This was great! :D I especially like the second one. Who says that??

Unknown said...


Steve said...

I don't know Virginia, but if you are moving to Tennessee you might as well get used to hugs from complete strangers. It's something in the water, I think.