Saturday, January 16

Umm Odd...

So I have a propensity toward awful/scary/weird dreams. I don't know what it is, but I tend to have nightmares somewhat frequently. Sometimes they wake me up, and I'm grateful for that. Last night I had one such terrifying dream that awakened me at some odd hour of the morning. Thankfully I fell back asleep rather quickly.

However, the night was not finished. My next dream of the night was odd on many different levels. First, I think I had handmaids. Second, I was locked in a room, being held hostage by none other than my soon-to-be husband. Apparently I was engaged to him, but I didn't want to be, and with good reason; I mean, after all, he had locked me in this basement room so I couldn't escape and would have to marry him. Somehow, my grandparents managed to get into this room to free me. So I hurriedly began packing my things so that I could flee the certain doom of marriage to this cruel man. But then whilst throwing my clothes into a duffel bag, I had a small thought: Maybe I don't want to leave. Yeah. Perhaps I really ought to stay. And marry him.

I left my grandparents in the room, walked down the hallway to another small room in which, incidentally, my fiancé was sitting. He looked upset, but not angry. He knew I was going to run away, but he wasn't planning to try to stop me (odd seeing as he's the one who locked me up in the first place). I walked over to him and told him, "I think I want to stay here with you." He replied that he would like that very much (apparently my talent for screenwriting is non-existent, even in my dreams). And that was that. I woke up.

I know. Beyond odd. Where does this stuff come from? I just hope this isn't in any way a foreshadowing of things to come, that it's just a strange, strange nonsensical dream. I also hope I haven't bored you with this if you're still reading; I hope you've laughed at least once while reading this so that it wasn't a complete waste of your time.

I think tonight I'll pray for sweet dreams...


Anonymous said...

lol! I have been having strange dreams's funny what the mind comes up with while we sleep!

Katalin said...

I am afraid that dream would leave me feeling odd as well. Thank goodness they're just dreams. :P

Caitlin said...

Scientists say that people who dream lots at night have higher IQs. :)

Jonas said...

Lol. It must be in the water. I had a most unusual dream last night myself.

As per Caitlin's comment, I'm usually profoundly dreamless... which seems to verify the correlation. :)

Chopsticks on Oboe said...

I've been having crazy dreams too! The other night I dreamed that I made a smoothie with all the fruit flies I bred last semester for genetics... If I recall the smoothie didn't taste too good...