Tuesday, October 16

Autumn Leaves

Every time I look out my bedroom window I am reminded of the beauty that God instills into life on this earth. And every time I look out my bedroom window, I can't help but thank God for that beauty-- not just the beauty in the red and green leaves on the tree outside my window, but also the beauty that I see in the lives of those by whom I am surrounded.

Sunday afternoon as I looked out my window from my view at my desk, I saw the leaves and thought how incredible it is that God is able to infuse beauty even into death. The autumn leaves-- brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows, as well as the leaves that are changing, but still hanging on to bits of green-- are reminders to me that God can bring beauty out of pain, that even in the face of death people and nature can exude life and God's splendor.

Somehow seeing those autumn leaves gave me hope. Hope that all is not vain. They reminded me that somehow even in the ugliness of sin, even in death-- Satan's most powerful weapon-- God still triumphs; He still wins and brings about good and beauty.

Recently I have been reminded that death, or rather the threat of death, is no respecter of persons. Death can threaten the young or the old and the ones in-between, those with families and those who are alone, and it can threaten even the most beautiful and God-filled people on Earth. This is something I have been reminded of because several friends of mine, some who are close and some who are not as close, have been facing the reality that life on Earth does not last forever and could potentially end much sooner for them than for the average person.

However, I have seen in their words and actions a faith and a fearlessness that emanates vibrant life and beauty. Their trust in the goodness of God when life does not seem good and their unflinching defiance of the temporary power of death over their souls bears a great resemblance to those autumn leaves outside my window. As the autumn leaves in the face of their mortality, still they breathe beauty; for that is what they were created to do-- reflect the beauty of the Maker. And in spite of approaching winter they light up the world with a beautiful autumn blaze not so different from that of this Tennessee valley.

So I will continue to look out my window and smile at the turning leaves that bring to mind the hope we have in Christ. Because that hope of eternal life and glory, of Love and beauty is what reminds me that in the end Love wins, and that is all that truly matters.

Friday, October 5


I'm waxing a bit melancholy tonight-- but a good sort of melancholy.

I've been catching up on blogs, looking at pictures of my friends far away, and wishing and longing desperately to be near to each of my dear friends all at once.

I've also been realizing tonight that I am overblessed. Blessed beyond all measure. And my heart is overflowing with gratefulness and humble awe at the God I serve who has deemed it good to lavish His love on me in such a way.

God has placed in my path a great host of faith-inspiring friends who He has used to shape my life. And He continues to use them to refine me and point me ever and always to Him. These blessings of friendship with incredible people whose lives have been wholly committed to God and His cause have enriched my life here on this earth and have also given me even more reason to wish for God's soon return to come quickly-- that I may be continually in His Presence as well as in the presence of those who reflect His beauty and glory.

As I've been sitting here feeling enriched, there is a song that has been echoing in my mind, especially this part:

We're all homesick, 
Is love the reason? 
My hunger led me to your hope. 
Until the end of this colder season 
Keep us warm

Cause we are always Eden
The day after she fell.
We see good and evil
And choose which one to tell.

~Alli Rogers, "Eden"

Thank you to each of my wonderful friends who has chosen to tell Love.