Tuesday, January 2

The Crucial Last Word

Here it is... the blog you've all been waiting for. If you haven't noticed, I'm rather long-winded. This will most likely be the shortest blog I ever post.
"He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.'" Revelation 21:6,7
My pastor was preaching a few weeks ago about God being the Alpha and the Omega and I began to wonder, "what does it mean to be the Alpha and Omega?" So, I pondered. Here's something I learned.
In other places in Revelation where God says he is the Alpha and Omega, he tacks on the phrase, "who was, and is, and is to come." One meaning is that God always has been, still is, and will always be. However, this isn't what I want to focus on.
When people have disputes it is very crucial to have the last word. Having the last word shows that you have stumped your opponent. They are flabbergasted and can think of no other way to oppose you. They have no ammunition left and bow to your superiority, acknowledging your cause to be the truth. In essence, having the last word is the trophy that proves you to be the triumphant victor, the conqueror.
In the verse above, God says, "It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." Essentially, God is saying to Satan and all who oppose God, "You are finished. I have the last word, and I am Truth. There is no argument, no ammunition, that you can bring against me. I have won."

*This is just one thing that struck me about the meaning of the Alpha and Omega. I'd really like to hear any conclusions you've come to as well.


Christy Joy said...

Neat thoughts, Kristin. It's interesting how humans take God's ideals and twist them. God has the last word because He is RIGHT! but we try to have the last word just to protect our pride, even if we're dead wrong. I was just contemplating that concept today. Most of our value's and ideals are the exact opposite of God's. The whole Christian walk is about discovering God's values and shaping our lives around them and not our own sinful ideas.

Petraglyph said...

amen, guys. God IS the last word. When we really come face to face with God's omnipotence, there's nothing of significance that we have to say. It only amazes me all the more that God actually lets us, or rather, wants us to pray to Him! He truly is a God of love.