Tuesday, May 1

To Do...

*Opening statements... Happy Birthday to Emily!!!! And Happy Birthday to Grandma :)
It's amazing how much one's list of things to do can change within a few days. Not too long ago my to do list looked something like this:
Read She Stoops to Conquer, Write term paper, Read pp. 1020-1026,1036-1041, 1064-1065, Prepare for Marxist presentation of Hamlet, Finish Portfolio, etc...
Just a few minutes ago, I was making a new to do list for this week. Here is a sampling of what it looks like:
Return books, Give money to Joanna, Write birthday cards, Thank you card, Get a wetsuit, Write a letter, Shave, Figure out what to do with fridge, Climb tree with Karissa, Walk with Kelsey, Blog, Write a poem, etc...

I love being done with finals and I wish my to do list included things like walking with friends and climbing trees more often. And I think that all too often I write my list of things to do in my planner and the amount of work I need to get done seems so overwhelming that I can't schedule in anything like talking with friends, going on walks, and writing letters. However, contrasting these two lists has made me think. I get so caught up in finishing my list of things to do and scrambling to get schoolwork done that I don't think to schedule in time spent with friends; they seem to be random events that brighten my day if and when they happen to occur. And also, in regard to my relationship with God, I wish that I spent more time with him that was intentional. I have my morning worship and then set my mind to finishing tasks of the day; throughout the day I pray and think about God, but I don't prioritize and intentionally schedule time with God throughout the day. It seems to be a bookend sort of thing, begin my day with worship, reflect and pray at night. Perhaps its time for some reformation in the scheduling world of Kristin.


Christy Joy said...

I like your bookend analogy. That's a very good point and something we all easily fall into.

I think that 2nd 'to-do' list is lots of fun! I want a fun 'to-do' list! And the purple text is cool! I'm not to keen on purple but I like it :D

Kelsey said...

Yay!!! Congratulations my dear Kristin on accomplishing your academic to do's! When do you want to go for a walk? ; )

Paul said...

I'm glad to be done with finals too...