Friday, May 23

Ice Cream Date

On Thursday night I went on an ice cream date with Kelly and Lorrie, and we met up with Kelly's sister, Missy. It was really fun, and we had some great conversations about life and hand sanitizer. Yes, hand sanitizer. Among other things.

In any case, it was great. On the ride back, Kelly, Lorrie, and I were talking about a host of things and somehow got onto the subject of feminism.

Apparently we all share a very similar view about the whole feminist movement, and I would just like to quote Lorrie because I found something that she said to be highly amusing. Here is my direct quote (with permission):

"I just wanna go churn some butter and have some kids."


Unknown said...

Heeheehee... yes, some butter, kiddies and a cat. :-P

Christen said...

I've found that hand sanitizer is very important to have here in Guatemala, but I don't know what deductions your fun group came up with about it.

Edward said...

Thank you, for being politically incorrect. I wish my Women's Studies teacher could hear that.

Christy Joy said...

sorry i missed the party. what's your schedule tomorrow?